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Sunday Services at 9:00am & 10:45am | GraceKIDS Services at 10:45am only

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Simplify your journey for spiritual growth. Explore our roadmap for a seamless journey to connect with God and His community.
GBC Roadmap

Discover ‘Grace Foundations’ a one-time class that will show you who we are, what we believe, and how you can be a part of what God is doing at Grace!
Grace Foundations

What to Expect

When you visit Grace, we want you to know what to expect when you walk through our front doors! You’ll be greeted by our amazing door and parking lot team, who can show you to our Welcome Desk. Our Welcome Desk is a great first stop to connect, ask questions, and learn about Grace!
What should I wear?
Please wear what you will feel most comfortable in! You will see people in jeans and T-shirts, to suits and ties.
What should I bring?
We just want you to bring yourself and your family! You will also see many people with their physical or digital Bibles and journals.
What is service like?
Before service you will find lots of people throughout the sanctuary and foyer chatting. Once service starts there will be a time of welcome and announcements from one of our staff members. Announcements are followed by music from our worship team, then a message from our pastor. We will end each service with a final song and some final encouragement for you. Both of our services are identical and last about one hour.
What does Grace offer for children on Sunday mornings?
Our GraceKIDS Services are available only at our 10:45am service. We have three classes available for students; Nursery (birth – 3yrs), JAM (Pre-K – K), and Children’s Church (1st – 4th). GraceKIDS will go straight to their classrooms upon check-in. If you want to get a head start on KIDS Check-In, get connected to the Church Center today!
Can I watch sermons online?
We do not livestream our services, but the sermons are available to watch on our YouTube Channel by Tuesday mornings.
Where do I go with more questions?
Fill our connection card to ask any questions about getting connected, Christianity, or about GBC in general! You can also stop by our Welcome Desk on Sunday mornings!